find your people

When we show up together, we win.


Join an Affinity Group

Affinity groups are people who organize through a shared passion for an issue, geography or life experience. ShutDownDC works with dozens of affinity groups in the region and nationally.


Recruit Your Friends

When we work with people we know and trust, we can confidently engage in direct action, protect each other in the street, and fight together for justice.

Can you recruit five friends to organize with you and join ShutDownDC?


Join a Working Group

ShutDownDC organizes through working groups. You can contribute your skills and time to communications, research, planning actions, outreach and trainings.

Talk to an organizer

Still not sure how to get involved? We have you covered.

Sign up to talk to an organizer and we’ll schedule a quick 1-on-1 conversation to make sure you can connect in a way that makes sense for you, your skills, your time and the people you care about.