#ShutDownDC Delivers Democracy to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy

Louis DeJoy, one of Donald Trump’s big donors, is dismantling the U.S. Postal Service ahead of mass mail-in voting in the 2020 presidential election. The purpose behind DeJoy’s appointment as postmaster general became even clearer today when, in an interview with Fox Business, Trump connected funding for the postal service with mail-in ballots and his chances for re-election.

In the last week, DeJoy has fired or reassigned much of the existing USPS leadership and ordered the removal of mail sorting machines that are fundamental to the functioning of the postal service. Meanwhile, mail delivery is slowing down under other decisions made by DeJoy, such as eliminating overtime for postal workers.

During a global pandemic, the postal service is essential to democracy: Postal workers are literally delivering democracy by safely delivering Americans’ votes. And Trump appointed DeJoy, a logistics executive, to gut the safest and most accessible way to vote.

ShutDownDC and friends dropped in on DeJoy's swanky apartment on Saturday for an early morning noise demonstration to give him a much needed wakeup call.


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