Trump lost. Now we need to make sure he leaves

It’s official. Trump lost. 

All of the major news organizations - including Fox News - have called the election and Joe Biden has been elected 46th President of the United States. Biden is not only ahead by more than 4 million votes in the popular vote, he has also secured a clear majority of votes in the electoral college. 

We should all take a minute to celebrate (we hear there’s a great party going on at BLM Plaza!), catch our breath and thank the thousands of people who put in long hours knocking on doors, making phone calls, sending text messages and having hard conversations with neighbors and family members to make this possible. 

But in the coming days things are likely to get very hard. Donald Trump isn’t conceding. His campaign says this is “far from over” and that he’s not conceding, he’s been tweeting baseless accusations about voter fraud and his campaign is mobilizing supporters to disrupt vote counts at “Stop the Steal” rallies.

We knew that even after the votes were counted, we would need to be in the streets to defend democracy. Politicians can say and tweet what they want, but at the end of the day it’s the people who should have the final say. That’s why we started this phase of the election season in the streets on Tuesday night and that’s why we’ve been in the streets every day since. 

We’ve got our eyes on Trump 

And now that Trump has lost, folks are flooding Black Lives Matter Plaza today with EYES 👁  to tell Trump “we’ve got our eyes on you!” Join us TODAY (November 7th) to celebrate all of the hard work that everyone has done to make this moment possible over the past four years and get ready to continue the fight through inauguration. When you get to BLM Plaza, head up towards the White House fence (16th and H St NW) to join us making art and sharing food and mutual aid items.  

Today We Celebrate, Monday We Organize

We are going to learn a whole lot more about how Trump is going to respond to his decisive defeat in the coming hours and days. So this weekend, let’s celebrate. Then on Monday, let’s organize! 

Join us on Monday, November 9 at 7pm for our next open organizing meeting and spokes council! We’ll debrief all of the incredible work that everyone has done over the past few days, take stock of the political situation that we’re in, and plan our next steps as we come together to defend democracy! 

This meeting will happen entirely online. Click here to register!

Congratulations to everyone! Stay safe and stay in touch! 



Call MAGA bar Harry's


November 3rd-After You Vote, Come to Black Lives Matter Plaza