Climate Criminals on SCOTUS and in the Senate

The Supreme Court’s shameful week (month? decade?) isn't over yet. Soon, likely on Wednesday, SCOTUS is expected to release another criminal decision in EPA v. West Virginia. The expected ruling could gut the EPA’s ability to protect our communities from pollution and climate change – and even worse, it could potentially gut the ability of any federal agency to take action to improve lives.

As climate activists, as humans, and as believers in justice and the possibility of a better world, we must respond. Join us and partners for a TOUR OF SHAME on the evening the EPA v. West Virginia decision is released. We will start at SCOTUS and take a tour around Capitol Hill to visit some of the worst enablers of climate collapse and the Supreme Court’s maleficence.

Meet at the US Supreme Court at 6pm on the day of the decision

This tour will involve a significant amount of walking/rolling on a hot day, so please plan accordingly. Wear a mask. Follow @shutdown_dc on Twitter for updates.  


Legal & Recovery Support for Kevin Cramer


Three-hour Supreme Court civil disobedience undeterred by counter protesters and massive police presence