Next Week, it's People vs Fossil Fuels

We’re days away from the start of the historic People vs Fossil Fuels mobilization. Next week, thousands of people from around the country will be converging in Washington DC to take bold direct action to challenge the Biden administration to take action to address the climate crisis. Here’s how you can get involved in making this action happen:

Art Builds

This Saturday and Sunday, we’re holding art builds from 11am until sundown. If you would like to join the art team, join this Signal group and we can provide the location and other details.

Get Prepped

There will be action prep sessions every evening from 6-8pm in Freedom Plaza. If you’re planning on risking arrest any day this week, you should attend the prep session the evening before you plan on risking arrest. Also, make sure to sign up on the People vs Fossil Fuels website.

Help Set Up

We’ll be setting up our convergence space in Freedom Plaza this Sunday afternoon starting at 1pm. Then, each day we’ll be setting up materials for the following day’s action at 4pm. If you can help set up, please come to Freedom Plaza and join us.  

Spread the Word

Help spread the word about the action! The People vs Fossil Fuels team put together this incredible promo video. Please take a minute to watch it and share it on your social media!  

Make a Plan

There’s tons of activity going on every day. Here’s a calendar for the week to help you make a plan for how you want to plug in.  

Saturday, October 9

Sunday, October 10

  • 11am - Sundown-- Art Build. Join this signal thread to get the details.

  • 1pm - Set up convergence space in Freedom Plaza

  • 4pm - Set up action gear for Monday’s action in Freedom Plaza

  • 4pm - Song Training in Freedom Plaza

  • 6pm - Action Prep for Monday’s Action (you must attend if you plan on risking arrest on Monday)

Monday, October 11 - Indigenous Peoples’ Day

  • 8am - Action starts in Freedom Plaza (march to the White House)

  • 4pm - Set up action gear for Tuesday’s action in Freedom Plaza

  • 4pm - Song Training in Freedom Plaza ]

  • 6pm Action Prep for Tuesday’s Action (you must attend if you plan on risking arrest on Tuesday)

Tuesday, October 12 - Fossil Fuels are Driving the Climate Crisis

  • 8am - Action starts in Freedom Plaza (march to the White House)

  • 1pm - Stop Line 3 Petition Delivery

  • 4pm - Set up action gear for Tuesday’s action in Freedom Plaza

  • 4pm - Song Training in Freedom Plaza

  • 6pm Action Prep for Wednesday’s Action (you must attend if you plan on risking arrest on Wednesday)

Wednesday, October 13 - Climate Chaos is Happening Now  

  • 8am - Action starts in Freedom Plaza (march to the White House)

  • 4pm - Set up action gear for Thursday’s action in Freedom Plaza

  • 4pm - Song Training in Freedom Plaza

  • 6pm Action Prep for Thursday’s Action (you must attend if you plan on risking arrest on Thursday)

Thursday, October 14 - We Need Real Solutions, Not False Promises

  • 8am - Action starts in Freedom Plaza (march to the White House)

  • 4pm - Set up action gear for Friday’s action in Freedom Plaza

  • 4pm - Song Training in Freedom Plaza

  • 6pm Action Prep for Friday’s Action (you must attend if you plan on risking arrest on Friday)

Friday, October 15 - We Did Not Vote for Fossil Fuels (Youth-led action)

  • 8am - Action starts in Freedom Plaza (march to the Capitol)


The Peoples Filibuster


ShutDownDC to Senate Dems: “Shut Up and Pass Some Laws”